Summit Nutritions Omega 3 s Vegetarian + Co Q10: Non Fish Premium Heart Support Formula:NSF Certified Clinical Strength: 600mg of active EPA/DHA from algae oil with Piperine enhancing Extra bio available 100 mg CoQ10 in Plant based Vegetarian Soft Gels. No Fishy Character, 300 % More Omega 3s than Krill oil.

Indian Tips --

Result of this study amply justifies use of L.siceraria (Bottle Gourd / Lauki) juice as a preventive measure for cardiovascular disorders.

Bottle Gourd is not a cure for a disease but a means for living with it peacefully. It has positive influence on the strength of heart muscle cholesterol levels and BP
Rules of  administering Lauki Juice
  • Fresh Bottle Gourd about 200 - 250 gm  (unrefrigerated it remains fresh for 4-5 days)
  • Tulsi and Cilantro (Pudina) Leaves (5 - 7 pieces)
  • A piece of ginger
  • Rock Salt
  • Pepper

  • Wash the bottle gourd with cilantro, tulsi and ginger in fresh water.
  • Put the above inside your mixi / juicer / grinder containing some water. A cup of juice will be obtained.
  • Pour the juice through a sieve to remove solid particles like seeds
  • Dilute it with equal amount of  water.
  • Add salt, pepper etc. for enhancing the taste
  • Your Bottle Gourd / Lauki juice is ready -  Enjoy it. Drink the juice within  5 - 7 minutes. Do not refrigerate it
  • Daily
  • Thirty minutes from taking breakfast and after dinner
  • Patients who have been advised immediate bypass / angioplasty should take it three times i.e. thirty minutes from taking lunch also.
Warning: Never consume Bottle Gourd  (Lauki) which is bitter as it has serious side effects.
Never mix bottle gourd juice with other vegtable juices and specially the ones which are known to be bitter like Bitter Gourd (Karela)
  1. Eat for your future. Add plenty of fruits and veggies, grains, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like fresh tuna or herring to your diet. Eat less salt, saturated fats, sweets, and red meats. Avoid trans fats. Avoid food with “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” ingredients. A variety in your diet is a good way to get all the nutrients you need.

  1. Take it easy. Find a relaxation method that works for you. Yoga, meditation, dedicated time to unwind after work -- these can help keep your stress levels down. Stressful emotions such as anger and hostility may also lead to heart attack risk, so keep calm and be cool. 

  1. Ban smoking. If you never started smoking, kudos! If you already quit, excellent. If you still smoke, stop. Talk to your doctor to find out what method will work best for you.  Even people who smoke fewer than five cigarettes a day can have early signs of heart disease. Get started -- in just one year you can reduce your risk of a heart attack. 

  1. Keep tabs on your blood pressure. If it’s too high, your risk of heart attack and disease goes up. Stress management, a healthy diet, and regular exercise can help you manage your blood pressure. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to lower your levels. 

  1. Mind your blood sugar. Too much sugar in your blood can damage your arteries, even if you don’t have diabetes. Work with your doctor to control your levels.  That may lower your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Remember, you can’t tell if you have diabetes (or high blood pressure, or high cholesterol) based on how you feel.

  1. Be smart about cholesterol. When blood runs through your heart, it can drop traces of cholesterol, fat, and calcium, creating a buildup of plaque in your arteries.  Too much of it makes a heart attack more likely. If you don’t know your cholesterol numbers, ask your doctor for a blood test.Keep in mind, there are two kinds of cholesterol: One is bad for your heart (LDL), and the other can protect you from heart disease (HDL). You can improve your levels with exercise and a diet low in unhealthy fats. Some people may also need to take cholesterol-lowering drugs.
  1. Don’t wait to lose weight. If you If you have extra pounds, it can put your heart at risk. Exercise and a good diet help. Ask your doctor or a dietitian what your goal should be and how to get there. 

How to Lose Weight in 10 Days?

Diet to Lose Weight in 10 Days:

Day 1:

  • Early morning (7 am) – 1 glass of warm lemon water
  • Mid- morning (9 am) – 1 cup of cereal and 1 orange
  • Lunch (1 pm) – 1 chapatti with 1 piece chicken curry and a bowl of salad
  • Evening snack (4 pm) – 1 small bowl of hummus with fresh vegetables
  • Dinner (8 pm)- ½ cup of cooked brown rice, 1 cup of chili beans and 1 cup of tomato soup

Day 2:

  • Early morning (7 am) – 1 cup of green tea, without sugar
  • Mid- morning (9 am) – 1 cup of vegetable oats, 1 banana
  • Lunch (1 pm) – 1 small bowl of chicken stir-fried with brown rice
  • Evening snack (4 pm) – 1 granola bar and 1 apple
  • Dinner (8 pm) – Oven-baked salmon with boiled potatoes and 1 cup of romaine lettuce salad

Day 3:

  • Early morning (7 am) – 1 glass of warm lemon water with honey
  • Mid- morning (9 am) – 1 plain dosa and 2 idlis with coconut chutney, 1 glass of orange juice
  • Lunch (1 pm) – 1 paneer wrap with one small bowl of green salad
  • Evening snack (4 pm) – Greek yoghurt with berries
  • Dinner (8 pm) – One whole-wheat pita bread with chicken soup

Day 4:

  • Early morning (7 am) – 1 cup of black tea
  • Mid- morning (9 am) – Omelet with whole grain bread, ½ cup of blueberries
  • Lunch (1 pm) – Nutritious chili with Baba Ghanoush
  • Evening snack (4pm) – Whole-wheat muffin with one small kiwi
  • Dinner 8 pm – 2 stuffed capsicums (Crockpot method), 1 bowl of tossed green salad with apple cider vinegar dressing

Day 5:

  • Early morning (7am) – Methi water (methi soaked in water)
  • Mid- morning (9 am) – 1 cup of cooked quinoa, one glass skimmed milk
  • Lunch (1pm) – Lemon herb chicken with vegetable pulao
  • Evening snack (4pm) – 1 glass of blueberry and banana smoothie with spicy corn salad
  • Dinner (8 pm) – One bowl of low fat Caesar salad (without cheese dressings), pumpkin soup with pita bread

Day 6:

  • Early morning (7am) – One glass of warm lemon water
  • Mid- morning (9 am) – Two oatmeal bran bread with scrambled eggs, 1 glass of skimmed milk, 1 cup of blackberries
  • Lunch (1 pm) – 1 small bowl of moong dal with chapatti, 1 small bowl of Palak paneer
  • Evening snack (4pm) – 1 serving of honeydew melon
  • Dinner (8 pm) – Maple glazed chicken breast with vegetable fried rice

Day 7:

  • Early morning (7am) – A cup of lemon water with honey
  • Mid- morning (9 am) – One bowl of sweet corn poha, 1 grapefruit
  • Lunch (1pm) – 1 cup of tossed salad mix with fat free dressing, 1 bowl of split pea and potato soup
  • Evening snack (4pm) – Sprouts and sweet corn salad, 1 cup tea
  • Dinner (8 pm) – Chicken curry with pita bread

Day 8:

  • Early morning (7am) – 1 cup of green tea
  • Mid- morning (9 pm) – Buckwheat pancakes with one glass grapefruit juice
  • Lunch (1 pm) – Beans and tofu burger with green salad
  • Evening snack (4 pm) – 2 slices of brown bread with peanut butter, 1 bunch of grapes
  • Dinner (8 pm) – Spinach dal with boiled rice, 1 small bowl of vegetable, quinoa salad

Day 9:

  • Early morning (7am) – 1 cup of black tea
  • Mid- morning (9 am) – Two-cucumber sandwiches, 5 soaked almonds, 1 apple
  • Lunch (1 pm) – Shrimp with ginger and peas with 1 cup of brown rice
  • Evening snack (4 pm) – 1 bowl of popcorn without butter
  • Dinner (8 pm) – 1 bowl of kadhi with 2 chapattis and salad

Day 10:

  • Early morning (7am) – One glass of methi seeds water (methi soaked in water)
  • Mid- morning (9 am) – Brown bread with hung curd, 1 cup of dry fruits and one glass of pomegranate juice.
  • Lunch (1 pm) – 1 bowl of cucumber salad, 1 bowl of dal and 2 chapattis
  • Evening snack (4 pm) – Puffed rice with tea
  • Dinner (8 pm) – Okra sabzi, 1 piece chicken with 2 chapattis

Tips for Effective Weight Loss:

Here are the most effective tips mentioned that help to lose weight. They can be considered to the best tips to lose weight in 10 days along with the diet explained above.

1. Go Slow:

Do not force your body to lose weight through crash diets and high intensity exercises. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. Do not rush into running miles or pounding on the treadmill if you have never worked out in your life. This can increase your chances of getting injured. Do not starve yourself to get into a leaner shape. Diets that severely restrict calories can make your body deficient in essential nutrients required for the proper functioning of the body. The best way to lose weight is by reducing the amount of calories and increasing your activity levels gradually. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!

2. Eat Small Meals Throughout The Day:

Instead of eating three large meals, consider taking five meals throughout the day. This will keep the body’s metabolism high, and the blood sugar well-balanced.

3. Balanced Diet:

Adopting a healthy, balanced diet can help you shed excess pounds from the body. A low fat diet, comprising of fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains will surely help you to lose weight quickly.

  • Most fruits and vegetables are low in calories, making them a perfect addition to your diet regime.
  • Fruits and vegetables are also rich in antioxidants, which protect the body from various types of illness.
  • Consume foods that are low in carbohydrates and fat. Limit your rice and refined grain consumption.
  • Poultry and fish are high in protein and low in saturated fats, making them extremely beneficial for health. They add taste to your platter, without piling on those extra pounds.
  • Drink lemon water every day on an empty stomach to prevent fat accumulation.
  • Consume large amounts of fiber-rich foods to lose weight naturally. Fiber-rich foods fill you up and keep you satiated, keeping the metabolism busy. They also reduce bad cholesterol in the body, keeping you fit and healthy.

4. Water:

Water is considered a natural weight loss drink. It takes up room in your stomach, preventing you from overeating. Drink a glass of water before every meal or take sips in between to control overeating. Drinking 2 liters of water daily boosts the metabolism, speeding up the weight loss process. It also flushes out the toxins from the body, accelerating weight loss. Keep a bottle of water handy and take a sip every 12 minutes. This will reduce your craving for sugary beverages. Water also helps the body to absorb nutrients, keeping you energized.

5. Be Active:

Increased physical activities will surely make a difference to your overall weight. Every extra step you take will help you lose weight. The simplest exercise is walking. Taking a brisk walk not only helps to lose weight but also improves the overall health of the body. Even simple, everyday activities such as climbing up the stairs, moving around etc. can be very beneficial. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or get off the bus a little before your destination and walk the rest of the way.Never skip your breakfast. Skipping breakfast or any other meal puts the body in the catabolic state and breaks down muscle tissues for energy. This often leads to overeating. Irregular eating habits disrupt the body’s metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. Eating a healthy breakfast jump-starts the metabolism, keeping it working for the entire day.

7. Reduce Your Calorie Intake:

It is nearly impossible to reduce body fat while consuming calorie-rich foods. The calories in the form of junk food, soda, sweets and fruit juice can cause major damage to your waistline. This does not mean that you can never consume any of these treats. You just need to limit these foods to smaller quantities. You should aim to lose 500 calories per day to lose at least one pound a week.

8. Change Your Eating Habits:

The weight loss process is not just about dieting; it is also about making gradual changes to your eating habits. You have to ditch your current eating habits if you want to lose weight within 10 days. Making simple changes and taking control of what you eat is crucial for losing weight naturally. Safe and natural weight loss does not mean depriving yourself of food. This can have opposite effects on your body.
So what changes can you make to lose weight? Here are a few pointers:

  • Replace alcohol and cola with water.
  • Replace whole milk with skimmed milk or soy milk.
  • Avoid sugar in your tea and coffee.
  • Avoid having a second helping while eating your dinner.
  • Cut out on unhealthy treats like cakes, sugary biscuits and chips in between your meals.

9. Exercise:

Exercise is vital for healthy weight loss and long-term health benefits. The body replaces the energy lost during exercising by breaking down sugar reserves in the fat cells, leading to quick weight loss. Exercising 30 minutes a day will help you burn fat and increase blood circulation, improving overall fitness of the body. Other daily exercises include swimming, aerobics, cycling and circuit training. You can easily lose 300 calories per day by performing these exercises.
Indulge in cardiovascular exercises to speed up the weight loss process. Spinning, cardio, kickboxing and boot camp can help you to manage your weight. These exercises will also tone your arms, legs, torso and tummy. Combine cardio exercises with strength training for more effective results.
Interval training is one of the most effective methods to lose weight. It alternates between high and low intensity exercises, aiding the body to burn more calories.

10. Meditation:

Meditation is a simple yet powerful technique to lose weight. Yoga and meditation improve assimilation and curb the desire to eat calorie-rich foods. Daily meditation strengthens the intention to lose weight, so that you become more committed to exercising. Meditation also helps to reduce the body’s BMR.

11. Reduce Stress:

Kick out stress from your life if you want to lose weight. Stress secretes cortisol, a hormone which leads to the buildup of fats in the body. Indulge in activities like meditation, listening to music or a soothing hobby to make your life stress-free. Quality sleep relieves stress and refreshes the body and mind.

12. Sleep Well:

Sleep-deprived people often feel sluggish, which urges them to overeat. A sound 8 hours of sleep is of optimum importance for maintaining healthy weight. Losing sleep also alters hormone production, causing a spike in cortisol levels. According to research, the less you are exposed to gadgets, the better rest your mind and body get. Keep your cell phones and laptops away or better still, switch them off before sleeping.

13. Portion Control:

Dieters tend to over-eat organic food, perceiving it to be a healthier alternative, but it only ends up making them fat. Portion control is very essential for effective weight loss. Another way of cutting down the portion size is by eating in smaller plates. Swap your regular dinner plate with your salad plate. This will ensure that you consume food in limited quantity. Avoid watching the television or surfing the internet while eating, as this too may lead to overeating. Chew your food slowly and properly, allowing the body to activate appetite-related hormones.

14. Say No To Alcohol:

People who drink beer are often found to have a pear-shaped body. Beer contains empty calories and fats, which lead to the accumulation of fat around the abdomen area. Decrease your alcohol consumption if you want to cut down on fat.

15. Yoga:

Yoga is an excellent method to lose weight within 10 days. You need to practice yoga daily for one hour to see positive results. Practicing yoga will not only reduce weight, but will also make the body flexible.

16. Foods for Healthy Weight Loss:

There are certain foods that will help you lose weight faster. Some of them are listed here:

  • Green Tea:
Green tea is an excellent beverage for weight loss. It is rich in catechins, a compound that increases fat metabolism in the body, making it easier to shed weight. It increases the rate at which the body burns calories by enhancing fat oxidation. It is also a rich source of antioxidants. In addition, green tea keeps the stomach full for longer, controlling irregular hunger pangs.

  • Pears:
Research has found that people who eat three servings of pear each day lose more weight than those who do not. Pears are extremely rich in fiber. One ripe pear comes packed with 15% of the daily recommended amount of fiber. It keeps the stomach full for a longer time, preventing overeating. Eat a pear before every meal to curb hunger.

  • Grapefruit:
Grapefruit is extremely popular for its weight loss properties. According to research, eating half a grapefruit before each meal can help you lose up to one pound a week, without making any other changes in your diet. Grapefruit helps to lower the insulin levels and uses sugar as fuel, preventing weight gain. Grapefruit is extremely low in calories. It contains only 42 calories per 100 grams.

  • Dark Chocolate:
The high levels of antioxidants in dark chocolate prevent the accumulation of fat cells in the body. It comes packed with MUFAs, which curb the craving for sweet and fatty foods, preventing overeating. It also contains phenolic antioxidants, which scavenge the free radicals, protecting the body from degenerative diseases.

  • Beans:
Beans like garbanzo beans, kidney beans, soy beans and navy beans are loaded with resistant starch, a powerful fat-burning carbohydrate. This makes beans a perfect addition to your weight loss diet. Half a cup of beans provides almost 10 grams of resistant starch. Eating beans and other foods rich in resistant starch can help you burn 25% more fat.

17. Be Patient:

Keeping your motivation high is one of the most difficult aspects of the weight loss regime. It will take more than a week or two to see some changes, but do not let it undo your plans.

18. Supplements for Weight Loss:

In addition to these tips, certain supplements combined with exercise can support successful and healthy long-term weight loss:

  • Calcium:
Research suggests that calcium supplements may prevent weight gain, especially in women. It is very important to get enough calcium in your diet. Low levels of calcium encourage the body to release the parathyroid hormone, a substance that leads the body to release absorbed calcium.

  • L-Cartinine:
L-Cartinine is an amino acid derivative found in the body’s cells. It is required for breaking down fats into energy, promoting healthy metabolism. This amino acid is found naturally in foods like avocado, tempeh and even in animal products. However, only a meagre amount of food contains L-cCrtinine, making it important to take L-Cartinine supplements.

  • Probiotic:
In a recent study, people who consumed probiotic, rich fermented milk for 12 weeks reduced 5% abdominal fat and 4% subcutaneous fat, along with a 2% drop in their overall weight. You can add probiotic in your diet by consuming foods like kefir and sauerkraut. Probiotic corrects bacterial imbalances, reducing weight gain in overweight people.

  • Bitter Orange:
Bitter orange is a very popular supplement for weight loss. It also treats constipation and indigestion.

  • Capsaicin:
Capsaicin is a natural weight loss substance obtained from chili peppers. It is purported to speed up metabolism and curb appetite, reducing fat in the body.

  • Chitosan:
Chitosan is marketed as a natural weight loss aid. It is a dietary supplement made from the shells of crustaceans.

  • CLA:
CLA supplement is believed to reduce fat while building muscles. It also controls cholesterol levels in the body.

  • Fucoxanthin:
Fucoxanthin is a type of carotenoid found naturally in edible brown seaweed such as hijilo and wakame. It is widely used in Asian cuisine. Fucoxanthin boosts metabolism, reducing weight.
By combining these strategies and making dietary modifications, you can lose weight and reduce belly fat in 10 days fast and naturally.
Have you tried any weight loss diets? Did they work for you? Do share your experience with us in the comments section below.

  1. Ask about aspirin. Talk with your doctor about taking an aspirin daily. In some people, this reduces the risk of heart attack.

The Benefits and Risks of Aspirin

Aspirin has been used since ancient times to relieve pain and inflammation. Today, aspirin is often recommended for patients who have suffered heart attacks or strokes. But what are the risks you should be aware of? Below are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about this important medication.

Why do some people take aspirin?
Many people take an aspirin a day based on a recommendation from their family physician or heart doctor. Some people take aspirin to prevent heart disease, heart attack, or a stroke. People who already have had a heart attack, have experienced certain kinds of strokes, or have other diagnosed heart disease take aspirin to help keep them from having another heart attack or stroke.  

How does aspirin help?
Aspirin works by keeping your blood cells from clumping together. These clumps or “clots” can block blood vessels in the heart and the brain. When these vessels are blocked, nutrients and oxygen cannot reach parts of the heart or brain. The lack of blood to areas of the heart is the main cause of heart attack. The lack of blood to areas of the brain is one cause of a stroke.

Are there any risks to taking aspirin?
Aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding in the stomach, small intestine, and brain. Normally, there is a layer that protects the insides of the stomach and intestine from the acid in your stomach. If aspirin is taken at high doses and for a long time, it can slowly damage this layer. This damage can lead to bleeding. Using aspirin to prevent blood clots can also affect the natural healing of damaged blood vessels and increase the risk of bleeding in the brain.

Does the risk of heart disease outweigh the risk of bleeding?
Benefits of daily low-dose aspirin therapy outweigh the risks for certain people. These people include those who have had a heart attack or stroke, who have heart disease, or who have diabetes, according to the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and the American Diabetes Association.If you have heart disease or diabetes or have had a heart attack or stroke, your doctor may have already told you to take aspirin. But if you smoke, have high cholesterol, or have a strong family history of heart disease, it is important to discuss other options with your doctor.  

Talk to your doctor or your pharmacist if you have questions.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the benefits and risks before starting an aspirin regimen. Be sure to ask your healthcare provider if you will benefit from a daily aspirin and if you are at risk for bleeding. It’s important to understand the benefits and risks of taking a daily aspirin.
  1. Get a move on. Hit the treadmill or the trail. Walk around the neighborhood or go for a swim. Whatever activity best fits your needs, do it! Regular exercise can prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, and improve cholesterol levels.

  1. Keep a social safety net. Stay in touch with your friends and family. Research shows that people with more social support are less prone to heart trouble. As you grow your network and make new friends, know that you might be good for their heart health, too.


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