
Showing posts from January, 2016


HEALTHY HEART TIPS Summit Nutritions Omega 3 s Vegetarian + Co Q10: Non Fish Premium Heart Support Formula:NSF Certified Clinical Strength: 600mg of active EPA/DHA from algae oil with Piperine enhancing Extra bio available 100 mg CoQ10 in Plant based Vegetarian Soft Gels. No Fishy Character, 300 % More Omega 3s than Krill oil. Indian Tips -- Result of this study amply justifies use of L.siceraria ( Bottle Gourd / Lauki ) juice as a preventive measure for cardiovascular disorders. Bottle Gourd is not a cure for a disease but a means for living with it peacefully. It has positive influence on the strength of heart muscle cholesterol levels and BP Rules of  administering Lauki Juice Ingredients Fresh Bottle Gourd about 200 - 250 gm  ( unrefrigerated it remains fresh for 4-5 days ) Tulsi and Cilantro (Pudina) Leaves (5 - 7 pieces) A piece of ginger Rock

Health Tips

Drink half your body weight in ounces of water everyday. Drink between meals, and finish your fluids 2 hours before bed.   Avoid microwaved food, non-stick cookware and aluminum cookware (used in most restaurants as well as homes). Check food labels for the word “hydrogenated” and eliminate all hydrogenated oils. Dressings, mayo, “butter spreads”, baked goods, cereals, pre-prepared, fried foods, and most restaurant foods usually have these .  Use coconut oil, ghee (clarified butter) or leftover fat from pasture-raised meats for sautéing. Avoid heating olive oil and other oils – use them to flavor food after cooking. Choose oils high in monounsaturates and low in polyunsaturates. Avoid corn, canola and soy oils. Grate or puree squash, cauliflower, broccoli and other veggies to make them taste differently, freeze better, and get more nutrition per bite. Buy and eat Pasture-Raised eggs – the highest quality eggs you can find.  Replace starchy foods such